
The Helpful Professor Essay Writing Confidence Course

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The Helpful Professor Essay Writing Confidence Course



WAS: $79

Unlock the Key to Academic Success!

Imagine turning in an essay that's so well-crafted, it leaves your professor in awe.

Imagine the surge of confidence you'll feel when you no longer dread that blinking cursor on your blank screen.

Whether you're a fresh university entrant or an old hand seeking to up your game, this course is tailor-made for you.

Ace your Essays

Discover the proven strategies to craft high-quality essays that don't just earn top grades, but also earn you the recognition you deserve.

Say goodbye to late-night struggles and last-minute panic.

With the Essay Writing Confidence Masterclass, you're not just learning to write an essay, you're mastering the art of powerful communication.

Join today and turn every essay assignment into an opportunity for success.

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Follow my Formula

1. Develop Strategies to Impress your Teacher

Each lesson presents clear and actionable strategies you can implement for your very next essay. Know what a top-grade essay looks like and how to put one together!

2. Learn a Repeatable Formula for Success

The course covers an entire formula for success that can be used in any subject at any university.

3. Gain the Confidence of Straight-A Students

Come out the other end of the course with a completely new mindset: learn how Straight-A students think and act to get top grades.

What's Included:

This essay writing confidence course provides clear and detailed instruction so you have the knowledge, skills and confidence required to succeed at university writing.

  • 12 printables and templates to help you write your essays.
  • 27 videos with my insider tips and tricks on essay writing.
  • 3 1/2 hours of video instruction.

In the videos, I walk you through how to transform your university-level writing and get on track for straight As.

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Course Modules

  • Module 1: Welcome
  • Module 2: What Good Essays Look Like
  • Module 3: How to Write Great Paragraphs
  • Module 4: How to Write Great Introductions and Conclusions
  • Module 5: Becoming a Scholarly Writer
  • Module 6: Editing That Works
  • Module 7: Taking your Draft to your Teacher
  • Module 8: Where to From Here

About your Teacher

Chris Drew is the Helpful Professor. He has a PhD in Education and has taught at universities around the world.

He has published over 20 academic journal articles and is a former editor of the Journal of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, an international journal dedicated to helping students to develop academic skills.

The Essay Writing Confidence Course is built upon Chris's extensive teaching and academic writing experience. Having graded thousands of essays, Chris knows exactly what a good essay looks like.

Take the course to jumpstart your academic writing skills and transform your university experience.

Get Instant Access for $79
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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who is the Essay Writing Confidence Course For?
The Essay Writing Confidence Course teaches students how to write academic and papers for submission in university-level courses. Students who get the most out of the course are: Current university students who want to improve their grades, Mature students returning to studies after a long time away, Students frustrated about why they aren't getting the grades they want, Online students seeking additional support.
2. Who shouldn't take the course?
The course is not for writing college admission essays. If you want extra help on how to prepare a college admission essay, I recommend The College Essay Guy course.
3. How long does the course take?
The video instruction totals 3.5 hours in length. However, because you will also be completing short quizzes and using the printable templates, put aside 5-6 hours to complete the course. It's best to set aside a few hours a week to work your way through the course slowly.
4. Can I work at my own pace?
Yes! You get access forever. It's best to do the course a few videos at a time and space it out over a few weeks.
5. Is there live instruction?
No. All lessons are recorded so you can re-watch them and work through them at your own pace.
6. What's your refund policy?
Contact me at chris@helpfulprofessor.com if the course wasn't right for you and you can request a refund.
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